By having the male penetrate deeply during intercourse it will help to deposit (pregnancy ovulation calculator baby boy) the sperm as close as possible to the cervix. Facing each other with the woman on bottom and the man on top you will always achieve deep penetration. By placing a thick pillow under the rear of the woman you will lift the woman’s hips and give the spermatozoa a direct path to the cervix. Doggy style is another position that will help in making a son as it provides for deep penetration and a short journey for the sperm to the cervix. By lying on your stomach with a pillow under your hips your pelvis will be raised to meet the penis and the penetration will be increased. Standing while having sex can help a couple become pregnant with a boy as the male Y chromosome is a fast swimmer. It is important that a woman has multiple orgasms during sex. During an orgasm the walls of a woman's uterus contracts and this helps to push the sperm through to the cervix. The more orgasms a woman has and the stronger they are will result in better contracting of the uterus. Male sperm can live longer in an alkaline environment and a female orgasm changes the cervical mucus to a more alkaline pH level.
Make sure that you eat your daily breakfast when you are trying to have a son. Your body will show a decrease in your quantities of glucose if you skip the most important meal of the day. These depressed glucose levels may be interpreted by the body as indicating poor environmental conditions and low food availability. When your body thinks that it is starving or that there may not be sufficient food it may foster the growth of a female embryo. Dr. Mathews' research study found that women who had breakfast regularly had an 87 percent greater chance of becoming pregnant with a baby boy. Include (from this source) cereals like barley and oatmeal and wheat berries in your diet. By having your partner drink coffee the likelihood of becoming pregnant with a boy baby grows. The fast swimming Y sperm that make boys benefit more from the extra boost of caffeine than do the slower moving X sperm. Also the faster the spermatozoa swim the less they are exposed to the acidic cervical discharge that can kill them quickly. So you’re more likely to conceive a boy if your man drinks a strong cup of caffeinated coffee just before intercourse.
Male factor infertility affects around half of all infertile couples so it’s important to understand how the male reproductive system works. The main purpose of the organs of the male reproductive system is to produce and transport spermatozoa and protective fluid. Hormones are chemicals that regulate the activity of many different organs are what control the male reproductive structure. The main ingredient of male fecundity is healthy and developed sperm. The follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone regulate the production of sperm. Follicle stimulating hormone fuels spermatozoa production in the testicles and the luteinizing hormone stimulates creation of testosterone. The hormone testosterone regulates masculine qualities such as voice change and muscle strength. The testes are responsible for making testosterone and for generating sperm and within the testes are coiled masses of tubes called seminiferous tubules that produce sperm cells. A little over two months is all that is needed to mature spermatozoa and 12 billion are produced every month. A man is considered fertile if just more than 40 percent of their spermatozoa is moving.

Food which is rich in potassium helps in becoming pregnant with a son. Potassium helps by lowering the pH of your body and making your cervix more alkaline. Y chromosome sperm that are responsible for making a male baby are more equipped to survive in an alkaline environment. It has been reported that women who gave birth to boys were consuming at least 300 mg more of potassium than were the mothers of girls. Foods rich (when to have a baby boy during ovulation) in potassium include almost all vegetables with the exception of corn. Consuming a diet high in sodium also may help to conceive a boy. Salty foodstuffs that are recommended for consumption include salted nuts and apricots. The man can also alter their diet to help give the Y spermatozoa an upper hand. By adding more zinc to his diet your partner can give enhance his production of testosterone and his reproductive system. There are inexpensive tests that can see if he is lacking in zinc and if so zinc can be found in many foods and especially in meats.