When To Have A Baby Boy During Ovulation - Few Unique Steps For Giving Birth To a Boy Baby Rapidly

By having the male penetrate deeply during intercourse it will help to deposit (pregnancy ovulation calculator baby boy) the sperm as close as possible to the cervix. Facing each other with the woman on bottom and the man on top you will always achieve deep penetration. By placing a thick pillow under the rear of the woman you will lift the woman’s hips and give the spermatozoa a direct path to the cervix. Doggy style is another position that will help in making a son as it provides for deep penetration and a short journey for the sperm to the cervix. By lying on your stomach with a pillow under your hips your pelvis will be raised to meet the penis and the penetration will be increased. Standing while having sex can help a couple become pregnant with a boy as the male Y chromosome is a fast swimmer. It is important that a woman has multiple orgasms during sex. During an orgasm the walls of a woman's uterus contracts and this helps to push the sperm through to the cervix. The more orgasms a woman has and the stronger they are will result in better contracting of the uterus. Male sperm can live longer in an alkaline environment and a female orgasm changes the cervical mucus to a more alkaline pH level.

Make sure that you eat your daily breakfast when you are trying to have a son. Your body will show a decrease in your quantities of glucose if you skip the most important meal of the day. These depressed glucose levels may be interpreted by the body as indicating poor environmental conditions and low food availability. When your body thinks that it is starving or that there may not be sufficient food it may foster the growth of a female embryo. Dr. Mathews' research study found that women who had breakfast regularly had an 87 percent greater chance of becoming pregnant with a baby boy. Include (from this source) cereals like barley and oatmeal and wheat berries in your diet. By having your partner drink coffee the likelihood of becoming pregnant with a boy baby grows. The fast swimming Y sperm that make boys benefit more from the extra boost of caffeine than do the slower moving X sperm. Also the faster the spermatozoa swim the less they are exposed to the acidic cervical discharge that can kill them quickly. So you’re more likely to conceive a boy if your man drinks a strong cup of caffeinated coffee just before intercourse.

Male factor infertility affects around half of all infertile couples so it’s important to understand how the male reproductive system works. The main purpose of the organs of the male reproductive system is to produce and transport spermatozoa and protective fluid. Hormones are chemicals that regulate the activity of many different organs are what control the male reproductive structure. The main ingredient of male fecundity is healthy and developed sperm. The follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone regulate the production of sperm. Follicle stimulating hormone fuels spermatozoa production in the testicles and the luteinizing hormone stimulates creation of testosterone. The hormone testosterone regulates masculine qualities such as voice change and muscle strength. The testes are responsible for making testosterone and for generating sperm and within the testes are coiled masses of tubes called seminiferous tubules that produce sperm cells. A little over two months is all that is needed to mature spermatozoa and 12 billion are produced every month. A man is considered fertile if just more than 40 percent of their spermatozoa is moving.

Food which is rich in potassium helps in becoming pregnant with a son. Potassium helps by lowering the pH of your body and making your cervix more alkaline. Y chromosome sperm that are responsible for making a male baby are more equipped to survive in an alkaline environment. It has been reported that women who gave birth to boys were consuming at least 300 mg more of potassium than were the mothers of girls. Foods rich (when to have a baby boy during ovulation) in potassium include almost all vegetables with the exception of corn. Consuming a diet high in sodium also may help to conceive a boy. Salty foodstuffs that are recommended for consumption include salted nuts and apricots. The man can also alter their diet to help give the Y spermatozoa an upper hand. By adding more zinc to his diet your partner can give enhance his production of testosterone and his reproductive system. There are inexpensive tests that can see if he is lacking in zinc and if so zinc can be found in many foods and especially in meats.

Ways To Guarantee A Son - Find Out Valuable Tactics To Conceive a Male Child

The pH of the vagina should be alkaline in order to support male sperm. It is possible for you (fertile days calculator to conceive a baby boy) to maintain a high pH level of your vagina to increase the chances of the male spermatozoa reaching the ovum first. Digital pH testers and test strips are low cost ways to test the pH of your vagina easily. Acidity and alkalinity are measured on a scale of 0 to 14 with 0 being the most acidic and 14 the most alkaline and the ideal for male spermatozoa is from 8.0 to 9.9. To test your pH you will need to reach into the vagina to touch the cervix and collect some mucus on your finger. Once you have some cervical mucus you can then test it with your pH strips or digital tester. By making a douche of baking soda you can change the acidity of your vagina to alkaline. To make an alkaline douche dissolve two tablespoons of baking soda to lukewarm water and wait ten minutes. Insert the mixture into the vagina with a douche or a large syringe while lying down. Many practitioners do not recommend extensive douching while trying to conceive.

The luteal phase was coined after the corpus luteum and is the second half of a woman’s menstrual cycle. You will begin this (look at this website) phase once you ovulate which happens when a mature egg is released from the ovary and is available to be fertilized. The corpus luteum is what is left of the follicle after a woman ovulates. If implantation does not occur the endometrium starts to break down and is eventually sloughed off in menstruation. After implantation a human embryo produces human chorionic gonadotropin which preserves the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum produces progesterone until the placenta begins to take over hormone production around eight to twelve weeks gestation. The average length of the human luteal phase is fourteen days and can be known as the two week wait. While luteal phase length will be fairly consistent from cycle to cycle for one woman it will vary significantly between different women. If the luteal phase isn’t long enough for the endometrium to mature enough for an embryo to implant this can cause miscarriage. There are disorders that can affect the luteal phase but these can be fixed with progesterone supplements.

When a woman knows what to look for she can track ovulation easily and naturally. An ovulation calendar helps a woman narrow down the window of time she needs to watch for ovulation signs. If you know the day your period started you can assume that you are usually ovulating six days after that day. By following the changes of consistency and color in your cervical mucus you can know when you are ovulating. If the mucus in your cervical canal is transparent and slightly elastic you are about to ovulate and your chances of being impregnated are higher. By testing your body temperature you can see when what day you are most fertile. Your body temperature will rise between 0.4 and 0.8 degrees when you are most fertile. Take your temperature at a regular time and record it in order to see the patterns. If you don’t know the length of your menstruation cycles it can make it difficult to track fertility naturally.

Supplements can also help in your goal to become pregnant with a son. The faster swimming but weaker male spermatozoa sometimes needs help to get to the ovum before the longer living female sperm.The faster swimming but weaker male spermatozoa sometimes needs help to get to the ovum before the longer living female sperm. Evening Primrose Oil increases fertile mucus production in your body and better your chances of having a boy. Start taking this supplement a few months before you plan to conceive and take 1500mg to 3000mg every day. Guaifenesin is another supplement (ways to guarantee a son) that may be beneficial when you are trying to become pregnant with a boy baby. This supplement is found in cough remedies such as Robitussin that people take to loosen mucus and phlegm. This aids fertility because it also affects the cervical mucus in the vagina making it thinner so that the sperm can move more quickly. To use take 200mg with a full glass of water three times every day. Do not use guaifenesin during the rest of your cycle because it is only important that your fertile mucus is thinner during the time of intercourse.

Ovulation Chart To Conceive A Son - Two Tactics For Giving Birth To a Boy Easily

The luteal phase was coined after the corpus luteum and is the (i want to give birth to a baby boy) second half of a woman’s menstrual cycle. Once the Luteinizing Hormone has been delivered an ovule will be released and pushed down the fallopian tube awaiting fertilization and you will begin the luteal phase. The dominant follicle that has released an egg to be fertilized will be transformed into the corpus luteum. If the ovum is not fertilized the corpus luteum dies and uterus lining stops thickening and is consequently shed during menstruation. After implantation a human embryo produces human chorionic gonadotropin which preserves the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum lasts for about ten weeks after ovulation and after this time the placenta takes over progesterone production through the end of pregnancy. Between ten and sixteen days length is considered normal for the luteal phases. While luteal phase length will be fairly consistent from cycle to cycle for one woman it will vary significantly between different women. The luteal phase must be at least 10 or 12 days for the uterine lining to develop sufficiently for an embryo to implant. There are disorders that can affect the luteal phase but these can be fixed with progesterone supplements.

If your knowledge of conception is enriched you will be better (great site) able to enhance your fertility and your chances of having a son. It is important to know that there are several factors that can be modified for the couple to be able to produce male offspring. If a woman is infertile it may mean that she is unable to carry a pregnancy to full term. Treatment depends on the cause of infertility but may include fertility treatments. An at home conception kit could be used to help which includes cervical caps. By using this device you will allow all the available spermatozoa to be placed directly on the cervical area which escalates the likelihood of conception. When the reproductive structures of both the man and woman are fine but they still cannot get pregnant with a son a doctor can prescribe a course of ovarian stimulating medication. Intrauterine insemination is another method that a doctor can perform to help you conceive a boy. With these two methods fertilization of the ovum by male spermatozoa still occurs inside the body unlike the more difficult assisted reproductive technology techniques.

Genes composed of DNA and proteins that determine our inherited traits as well as gender are called chromosomes. Men and women have different combinations of chromosomes. The X chromosome of a female is termed as female sperm because women only possess the X chromosomes. Males have two distinct sex chromosomes XY ad are called the heterogametic sex. The new gamete will receive one of the mother’s X chromosomes during the process of fertilization. When the X chromosome of the woman and the Y chromosome of a man react a baby boy is made in the process. The Y chromosomes of males are fragile and weak in longevity. X chromosomes are slow movers in spite of being strong so the Y chromosomes of males can often swim faster. There are many (ovulation chart to conceive a son) methods of fertilization but the main idea is that the sperm of X or Y chromosome reaches the egg and combines. Some developmental disorders in either partner can change how the fertilization occurs.

The timing of intercourse seems to have an effect on whether or not you will conceive a male. There is a system known as the Shettles’ method that is based on scientific evidence for gender selection. According to this method you can affect the gender of your baby by timing when you ovulate and have sex correspondingly. Between the two chromosomes the male Y chromosome is a much quicker swimmer but the female Y chromosome lives longer. By having intercourse right at the time of ovulation the faster-swimming male spermatozoa will have an advantage. A female baby is more likely if you have sex too early and all the male Y chromosome sperms die out before the egg is released. A male sperm will most likely fertilize the egg if you have intercourse 12 hours before ovulation. If you have sex during your pre-ovulation phase make sure that you utilize a condom to lessen the risk of female spermatozoa having the upper hand and you becoming impregnated with a girl. This low-tech method is noninvasive and it is very affordable to find an ovulation predictor kit or to check your basal body temperature daily. Dr. Landrum Shettles claimed a 75% to 90% success rate for this at-home method.

How To Get A Baby Boy In First Pregnancy Naturally - Three Valuable Hints To Conceive a Boy Fast

There are different supplements that you can take in order to conceive a son. The male spermatozoa needs to get (best time to conceive a baby boy after periods) to the ovum as soon as possible because it survives for a shorter period of time than female sperm. By increasing the production of cervical mucus in your vaginal tract you can help male spermatozoa along and the likelihood of becoming pregnant with a son rises. One supplement that helps increase the quality of cervical mucus and help support male sperm survive is Evening Primrose Oil. When you begin taking this supplement use approximately 1500mg to 3000mg every day starting from the first day of your period through ovulation. Another helpful supplement for conceiving a male baby is known as Guaifenesin. Tablets are now available over the counter as an inexpensive alternative to buying the cough syrup that usually contains guaifenesin. When you take tablets of guaifenesin the cervical mucus thins and he spermatozoa can maneuver more easily towards the egg. You should start by taking 200mg three times a day during the 5 days before ovulation and on the day of ovulation. Do not use guaifenesin during the rest of your cycle because it is only important that your fertile mucus is thinner during the time of intercourse.

There are fertility monitoring kits (check out your url) available but they are not always necessary as you can track ovulation yourself. In order to see what days you will be ovulating you just need to make an ovulation calendar. You must know the first day of your last menstrual cycle and the average number of days between cycles as the fertile period begins six days after the first day of menstruation. By following the changes of consistency and color in your cervical mucus you can know when you are ovulating. Before ovulation the mucus in your cervical canal clear and slightly stretchy and will help guide spermatozoa to an egg for fertilization. Your baseline body temperature changes on the day of ovulation and can be tracked. Your body temperature will rise between 0.4 and 0.8 degrees when you are most fertile. You should take you temperature upon waking up while you are still lying on your bed. Take care as several factors can disrupt your menstruation and ovulation cycle such as stress and poor nutrition.

The second stage of your cycle is called the luteal phase which is named after the corpus luteum which is a structure that grows in the ovary. Once the Luteinizing Hormone has been delivered an ovule will be released and pushed down the fallopian tube awaiting fertilization and you will begin the luteal phase. The corpus luteum is what is left of the follicle after a woman ovulates. If the egg is not fertilized the corpus luteum dies and uterus lining stops thickening and is consequently shed during menstruation. Once the released ovum is fertilized by male spermatozoa the corpus luteum will begin receiving HCG from the embryo. If implantation occurs the corpus luteum will continue to produce for ten weeks after which the placenta takes over this function. The luteal phase of a woman’s cycle is consistently around 12-14 days long. The length of the luteal phase determines the time of ovulation within your menstrual cycle. If the luteal phase isn’t long enough for the endometrium to mature enough for an embryo to implant this can cause miscarriage. There are disorders that can affect the luteal phase but these can be fixed with progesterone supplements.

Sperm production and ejaculation of spermatozoa into the female reproductive tract during sex are the main functions of the male reproductive system. Mature spermatozoa will pass into the epididymis where they gain motility after 18 to 24 hours. After a penis becomes erect and filled with blood it will be ready to ejaculate. Mature spermatozoa leave the epididymis and journey through a muscular tube known (how to get a baby boy in first pregnancy naturally) as the vas deferens. After the vas deferens the sperm receives a fluid of fructose from the seminal vesicles in order to give them a source of energy that aids their movements. The liquid secretion from the seminal vesicles also provides the sperm with alkalines that give them a better chance of survival in the acidic setting of the vagina. This liquid mixture is propelled forward through the ejaculatory ducts toward the urethra after passing through the prostrate gland. The prostrate gland adds a milky prostatic fluid that forms the substance called semen. Ejaculation consists of semen leaving the urethra in a man’s penis and being deposited into a woman’s vagina. Only one to ten spermatozoa out of every 14 million sperm deposited naturally in to the vagina will reach the end of the fallopian tube.

Best Position To Have A Baby Boy Naturally - Some Tricks For Getting Pregnant With a Baby Boy Quickly

This research was completed by the Exeter and Oxford Universities (how many days after periods can I conceive a son) and included 740 first time pregnant mothers in the UK. During the time that the women were trying to become pregnant and during the beginning stages of pregnancy they provided written records of what they ate. The researchers found 56% of women with the highest energy intake around the time of conception had boys, compared to just 45% among women with the lowest energy intake. Based in our evolutionary drive humans as well as other animals tend (great site) to produce male offspring when the mother has a lot of resources including food. Over the last 40 years there has been a small but consistent decline in the proportion of boys being born in industrialized countries. Researchers think this happens because people tend to skip meals and ingest fewer calories. Women in these countries lead sedentary lifestyles and instead of exercising tend to skip meals to prevent obesity. When less food is consumed this can give a false signal of lack of food and calorie availability and may cause the body to develop a female embryo. Pregnant women must increase their usual daily calorie intake by at least 400 calories to conceive baby boys.

Have a baby son naturally and easily by learning about the development of sperm

Sperm production and ejaculation of spermatozoa into the female reproductive tract during sex are the main functions of the male reproductive system. Once sperm has reached maturation they will move into the epididymis where they will be able to move after one day. After a penis becomes erect and filled with blood it will be ready to ejaculate. First the mature sperm travel from the epididymis through the vas deferens that is a narrow tube about 18 inches long. Passing through the vas deferens and entering the urethra the spermatozoa are provided with fructose fluid that makes up most of the volume of the man’s ejaculate fluid. Because the vagina is naturally acidic the seminal fluid that is combined with spermatozoa contains alkalines to help them survive. Journeying towards the urethra the seminal liquid is propelled past the prostrate gland. The prostrate gland adds a milky prostatic fluid that forms the substance called semen. In the end the semen is ejaculated from the end of the urethra and into the women’s vagina where it will travel through the cervix and uterus. Out of the 300 million spermatozoa ejaculated the vast majority won’t reach the egg cell and only one will succeed in fertilizing it.

In order to become pregnant it is important to understand the male reproductive system and whether or not his sperm is healthy. The male reproductive structure is designed to perform the function of producing and maintaining male reproductive cells and sperm. Hormones are chemicals that regulate the activity of many different organs are what control the male reproductive structure. The development of standard and mature sperm is the key to male fertility. The follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone regulate the production of sperm. The anterior pituitary releases Follicle stimulating hormone for spermatozoa creation and Luteinizing Hormone for the production of testosterone. Testosterone is the male hormone that helps to maintain male sexual characteristics such as facial hair growth. In the testes there are structures called seminiferous tubules that are the sites of spermatozoa production. The testes produce over 12 billion spermatozoa every month and the process of maturation for sperm is 72 days. Sperm movement and the number of healthy sperm might decline after age 50.

By timing when you have intercourse you can control (best position to have a baby boy naturally) if you will become impregnated with a male. There is a system known as the Shettles’ method that is based on scientific evidence for gender selection. The main idea of his model is that when couples learn how to time intercourse accordingly to ovulation they can influence the sex of the baby.  Sperm carrying Y chromosomes apparently swim faster but do not survive as long as their X-carrying counterparts. Becoming pregnant with a male baby is slightly more likely if you have sex at the precise time of ovulation. A female baby is more likely if you have sex too early and all the male Y chromosome sperms die out before the ovum is released. Once you know you are about to ovulate be sure to have intercourse at least 12-24 hours before ovulation. If you have sex during your pre-ovulation phase make sure that you utilize a condom to lessen the risk of female sperm having the upper hand and you becoming impregnated with a girl. The benefit of the Shettles’ method is that it can be done in the privacy of your own home for free or low cost. Dr. Landrum Shettles claimed a 75% to 90% success rate for this at-home method.

Natural Ways To Conceive A Boy Baby - Identify Tips To Conceive a Baby Boy Easily

The pH of your body will either raise or lower depending (what to eat during pregnancy for baby boy) on what foods you eat. A low level pH better facilitates you becoming pregnant with a boy. The spermatozoa that carry that Y chromosome for males are not very strong and can die quickly in an acidic vaginal tract with a high pH. By eating a diet rich in alkaline foods you will bring your pH to a lower level and will be more likely to become pregnant with a boy baby. By consuming an alkaline rich diet the pH of your vaginal tract will also be more alkaline. A less acidic environment in your cervix enables the Y chromosome spermatozoa to survive more easily and move more quickly to fertilize the egg. One way to lower the pH of your cervical fluid is to go on a special diet that restricts how many acidic foods you consume. Try to shun eating acidic foods such as anything containing vinegar or lemon. Instead try to incorporate the alkaline foodstuffs such as eggs and fish in your diet. To find out the alkaline or acidic properties of all food you can find complete lists on the internet or you can visit your doctor.

This research was completed (see this site) by the Exeter and Oxford Universities and included 740 first time pregnant mothers in the UK. The eating habits of the women before they were pregnant and during were well documented for this study. The researchers found 56% of women with the highest energy intake around the time of conception had boys, compared to just 45% among women with the lowest energy intake. The explanation is thought to lie with the evolutionary drive to produce descendants. There has been a decline of about one per 1,000 births annually of males in the developed world. The decreased birth of males may have to do with the lesser intake of calories in these industrialized nations. By skipping meals these women hope to maintain their weight with minimal calorie ingestion. Irregular eating habits can cause the body to think it is a time of starvation and to develop a female embryo during times of hardship. In addition to consuming more calories prior to conception the women who gave birth to boys were also more likely to have eaten higher-quality diets with a wider range of nutrients.

If your knowledge of conception is enriched you will be better able to enhance your fertility and your chances of having a son. For some individuals conception comes in without any difficulties while some may need special procedures to attain it. Infertility is the biological inability of a person to contribute to conception. There are many treatments for infertility and may be used in concert with other methods. One home conception implement that can help with fertilization and conception of a male is known as the cervical cap insemination method. This at home (natural ways to conceive a boy baby) method allows all the semen to be positioned against the cervical area for six hours which makes conception of a son far more probable. Fertility medications may be prescribed if conception is not occurring even though both the spermatozoa and the reproductive organs are healthy. Intrauterine insemination is another method that a doctor can perform to help you have a boy baby. A doctor will typically recommend these two methods first as fertilization still occurs inside the body.

There are many foods that must be avoided because they make your cervical mucus sticky and unfriendly to sperm. Dairy products such as cheeses and yogurt should be kept to a minimum when you are trying to have a boy. Eat plenty of fruits but avoid eating blueberries as they are acidic and will lower the pH of your cervical fluid. While red meat is good for trying to get pregnant with a son because it is rich in potassium it is recommended that you do not consume processed and deli meats. Foods that can change the levels of estrogen in your body should not be eaten as they are harmful to your fertility. Consuming soy and other phytoestrogens can affect your ovulation and egg production and should be avoided. High sugar foods can also affect reproductive hormones and shouldn’t be eaten. Examples of high sugar foods include candy and soda and artificial fruit drinks. Experts advise against drinking too much caffeine when you want to conceive so instead opt for decaf. More harmful types of food are fish products that are known to contain high levels of mercury.

Best Time Of Ovulation To Conceive A Boy - 2 Essential Ways For Getting Pregnant With a Baby Boy Speedily

To achieve an adequate sperm count and motility men should consider (how to get a baby boy during pregnancy) various things that can affect their count. The male should refrain from alcoholic drinks as they reduce the quality and quantity of sperm. Cigarettes can affect the amount of sperm that is produced and their quality so the man should try to avoid smoking. Masturbation also decreases sperm count so the man should avoid doing this before trying to conceive. Sperm can’t tolerate excessive heat and the testicles’ independent structure and considerable surface area keep them safe from the elevated core temperatures inside the body. To protect the male’s fertility he shouldn’t wear tight underwear or athletic shorts and should avoid hot tubs. The best way to create healthy spermatozoa is to have a healthful body so be sure that the man is eating well. Maintaining a healthy weight will promote healthy spermatozoa counts so it is important that the man includes physical activity in his daily routine. If you need to use lubricant during sex opt for vegetable or safflower oil as other lubricants can harm sperm. If the man needs chemotherapy drugs or other medications ask your doctor if the sperm can be retrieved and stored before treatment as these drugs can affect fertility negatively.

By timing when you have intercourse you can control if you will become (visit this web-site) impregnated with a male. The most famous natural gender selection model is the Shettles' method that was first discovered in the seventies.  According to this method you can affect the gender of your baby by timing when you ovulate and have sex correspondingly. The spermatozoa transporting male chromosomes are speedier swimmers than the female sperm but tend to die more quickly. Becoming pregnant with a male baby is slightly more likely if you have sex at the precise time of ovulation. By having intercourse a few days earlier than the specific time of ovulation the majority of the male sperm will die out. Once you know you are about to ovulate be sure to have intercourse at least 12-24 hours before ovulation. Before and after ovulation be sure to use a condom during intercourse to prevent the possibility of conceiving on days when it is more likely to have girl. This low-tech method is noninvasive and it is very affordable to find an ovulation predictor kit or to check your basal body temperature daily. Dr. Landrum Shettles claimed a 75% to 90% success rate for this at-home method.

If you consume more potassium rich food you can improve your chances in having a baby boy. You will make your vaginal tract more alkaline by adding potassium to your diet. Y chromosome sperm that are responsible for making a male baby are more equipped to survive in an alkaline environment. It has been reported that women who gave birth to boys were consuming at least 300 mg more of potassium than were the mothers of girls. One of the richest sources of potassium are vegetables and baked potato skins with their skins. Consuming a diet high in sodium also may help to make a baby boy. Salty foodstuffs that are recommended for consumption include salted nuts and apricots. The man can also alter their diet to help give the Y sperm an upper hand. By adding more zinc to his diet your partner can give enhance his production of testosterone and his reproductive system. You and your partner can test your levels of zinc with a simple test found at any health store to see if you are lacking in zinc.

If your knowledge of conception is enriched you will be better able to enhance your fertility and your chances of having a son. For some individuals conception comes in without any difficulties while some may need special procedures to attain it. If a woman is infertile it may mean that she is unable to carry a pregnancy to full term. The methods of treatment for infertility may be grouped as medical or complementary and alternative treatments. An at home conception kit could be used to help which includes cervical caps. These cervical caps allow all the semen (best time of ovulation to conceive a boy) to be placed against the cervix for six hours which increases the chances of conception of a boy. If the sperm are of good quality and the mechanics of the woman’s reproductive organs are in order a doctor may prescribe fertility medication. Intrauterine insemination is another method that a doctor can perform to help you make a boy. If conservative medical treatments fail to achieve a full term pregnancy the physician may suggest the patient undergo in vitro fertilization of male sperm.

Chances Of Conceiving A Son - Four Hints To Give Birth To a Male Child Rapidly

When a woman knows what to look for she can track ovulation easily and naturally. You can make an ovulation calendar (best ovulation calendar to increase odds for conceiving a baby boy) to help pinpoint the days that you will be ovulating. You must know the first day of your last menstrual cycle and the average number of days between cycles as the fertile period begins six days after the first day of menstruation. By following the changes of consistency and color in your cervical mucus you can know when you are ovulating. To increase the likelihood of pregnancy have intercourse when your cervical mucus closely resembles raw ovum white. Your baseline body temperature changes on the day of ovulation and can be tracked. Your body temperature will rise between 0.4 and 0.8 degrees when you are most fertile. Take your temperature at a regular time and record it in order to see the patterns. If you don’t know the length of your menstruation cycles it can make it difficult to track fertility naturally.

Do not omit breakfast when you are trying to make a boy baby. When you neglect (over at this website) breakfast your body will show a misleading drop in your levels of glucose. This reduction in glucose will signal to your body that there is a problem of lack of food or starvation. Your body may support the development of a girl embryo when faced with a situation it views as dire. A study done by Dr. Mathews of England shows that there is an 87% larger likelihood in giving birth to a baby boy if you eat breakfast regularly. Include cereals like barley and oatmeal and wheat berries in your diet. Coffee drinking can also help increase your chance to become pregnant with a son. Since the sperm responsible for making boys are faster swimmers than the girl making spermatozoa the caffeine in coffee gives them extra strength to swim even faster. By swimming more quickly they will lessen the amount of time they are exposed to the acidic discharge in the cervix and increase their chances to fertilize the egg with the Y chromosome. So you’re more likely to conceive a boy baby if your man drinks a strong cup of caffeinated coffee just before intercourse.

The luteal phase was coined after the corpus luteum and is the second half of a woman’s menstrual cycle. Ovulation will occur when the egg to be released from the ovary and to the fallopian tube and this marks the beginning of the luteal phase. The ovum is released from a follicle and that follicle will become the corpus luteum. If the ovum is not fertilized the corpus luteum dies and uterus lining stops thickening and is consequently shed during menstruation. Once the released egg is fertilized by male sperm the corpus luteum will begin receiving HCG from the embryo. The corpus luteum produces progesterone until the placenta begins to take over hormone production around eight to twelve weeks gestation. The average length of the human luteal phase is fourteen days and can be known as the two week wait. While luteal phase length will be fairly consistent from cycle to cycle for one woman it will vary significantly between different women. This phase must be longer than 10 days in order for the uterine lining to develop fully. If you suffer from a luteal phase (chances of conceiving a son) defect you can see your doctor about fertility drugs.

If you desire to get pregnant with a boy baby naturally use these positions during intercourse to increase the likelihood

To shorten the distance the male sperm have to travel in order to reach the egg you should aim for deep penetration during sex. The first position to consider using is the missionary position that can be altered in a couple of ways in order to give an even deeper penetration. By placing a thick pillow under the rear of the woman you will lift the woman’s hips and give the sperm a direct path to the cervix. A rear entry sex position known as doggy style works well in that lifts the uterus flush with the vaginal opening. By lying on your stomach with a pillow under your hips your pelvis will be raised to meet the penis and the penetration will be increased. By having sex while standing up gravity will help you have a male baby because the female X chromosome will be slowed down by gravity pulling it down. It is important that a woman has multiple orgasms during sex. The walls of a woman’s uterus tightens and releases during an orgasm and these movements help the spermatozoa travel to the cervix from the vagina. The more orgasms a woman has and the stronger they are will result in better contracting of the uterus. Also by having an orgasm changes the pH level of the cervical muscus to a more alkaline value.

The Best Way To Conceive A Boy Baby - Few Hints To Have a Son Naturally

There are many foods that must be avoided because they make your cervical mucus sticky (how to get a baby boy) and unfriendly to sperm. An increased intake of dairy products like cheese and yogurt that are acidic in nature will not encourage male embryo formation. Although most fruits are good for trying to make a son blueberries should be avoided. Meats such as bologna and sausage should not be consumed because they contain many damaging nitrates. You should also take care to avoid foods that can cause your body to change its estrogen levels. Consuming soy and other phytoestrogens can affect your ovulation and ovum production and should be avoided. Foods that contain high levels of sugar can also negatively skew your reproductive hormones. Examples of high sugar foods include candy and soda and artificial fruit drinks. Experts advise against drinking too much caffeine when you desire to conceive so instead opt for decaf. More harmful types of food are fish products that are known to contain high levels of mercury.

Chromosomes are long, stringy collections of genes that carry heredity information. Whether you are male of female (more info here) is dependent on the presence or absence of certain chromosomes. The X chromosome of a female is termed as female spermatozoa because women only possess the X chromosomes. Sperm cells in men have both X and Y chromosomes. During fertilization the mother will always give the cell or gamete one X chromosome. If a spermatozoa cell containing a Y chromosome fertilizes an ovum the resulting baby will be XY or male. The male sperms are more light and weak than the female sperms. Despite being short lived the Y chromosomes are quick and can swim faster to reach the female tract. There are many methods of fertilization but the main idea is that the sperm of X or Y chromosome reaches the egg and combines. There are some genetic disorders that disrupt the normal activity of the sex chromosome.

To achieve an adequate spermatozoa count and motility men should consider various things that can affect their count. Studies show that heavy drinking of alcohol decreases the mobility of the sperm. Smoking can also decrease sperm movement and cause sperm to be misshapen. Masturbation also decreases spermatozoa count so the man should avoid doing this before trying to conceive. Sperm can’t tolerate excessive (the best way to conceive a boy baby) heat and the testicles’ independent structure and considerable surface area keep them safe from the elevated core temperatures inside the body. Hot tubs and saunas should be avoided while trying to have a boy baby as well as tight fitting underwear. The best way to create healthy sperm is to have a healthful body so be sure that the man is eating well. Obesity negatively affects sperm quality and spermatozoa count so it vital that he exercises and maintains a healthy weight. If you need to use lubricant during sex opt for vegetable or safflower oil as other lubricants can harm sperm. If the man needs chemotherapy drugs or other medications ask your doctor if the sperm can be retrieved and stored before treatment as these drugs can affect fertility negatively.

By following these body pH tips you can make a male baby

The vaginal environment that male spermatozoa need to survive and thrive is one that is not acidic. It is possible for you to maintain a high pH level of your vagina to increase the chances of the male spermatozoa reaching the egg first. You can buy inexpensive pH test strips or a more accurate digital pH tester in local health food stores. Acidity and alkalinity are measured on a scale of 0 to 14 with 0 being the most acidic and 14 the most alkaline and the ideal for male spermatozoa is from 8.0 to 9.9. To test your pH you will need to reach into the vagina to touch the cervix and collect some mucus on your finger. After collecting the mucus use your tester kit to examine the level of your vaginal pH. By making a douche of baking soda you can change the acidity of your vagina to alkaline. Stir two tablespoons of baking soda into a liter of water and let stand for 10 minutes and then stir again to make sure the solution is fully dissolved. You can purchase a douche kit from most stores and use it to introduce the mixture into your vagina. Many practitioners do not recommend extensive douching while trying to conceive.

How Can We Conceive A Baby Boy - Identify Techniques For Getting Pregnant With a Boy Baby

Do not omit breakfast when you are trying to make a son. When you neglect breakfast your body (how to guarantee a baby boy at conception) will show a misleading drop in your levels of glucose. These depressed glucose levels may be interpreted by the body as indicating poor environmental conditions and low food availability. When your body thinks that it is starving or that there may not be sufficient food it may foster the growth of a female embryo. Dr. Mathews' research study found that women who had breakfast regularly had an 87 percent greater chance of becoming pregnant with a baby boy. So never skip breakfast and eat a cereal that is high in fiber and nutrients. If your partner starts drinking coffee this can help the probability of you giving birth to a boy. The fast swimming Y spermatozoa that make boys benefit more from the extra boost of caffeine than do the slower moving X sperm. The acidic cervix discharge kills Y spermatozoa easily and by swimming more quickly they will be less exposed to this damaging environment that can prevent them from reaching the ovum. Before you have intercourse have your partner drink a cup of coffee.

Try out these positions during intercourse to help your chances of having a baby boy

In order to make a son you should achieve deep penetration during intercourse. A position that always allows for deep penetration is the classic missionary position where the woman is on her back on the bottom and the man is on top. By placing a thick pillow under the rear of the woman you will lift the woman’s hips and give the spermatozoa a direct path to the cervix. Doggy style is another position that will help in making a boy as it provides for deep penetration and a short journey for the sperm to the cervix. If you lay on your stomach with a wedge under your hips you will helpfully raise your cervix to meet the penis. Standing while having sex can help a couple get pregnant with a boy baby as the male Y chromosome (read here) is a fast swimmer. It is important that a woman has multiple orgasms during sex. The walls of a woman’s uterus tightens and releases during an orgasm and these movements help the sperm travel to the cervix from the vagina. If the timing of the woman’s and man’s orgasms are also an important part and if the woman can be in the middle of hers when the man has his the spermatozoa will have the best possibility of reaching the cervix. If a woman achieves orgasm it will convert the pH of her vagina to more alkaline that increases the survival rate of the male sperm.

There are many medical options in existence if you desire to make a boy baby

A reproductive endocrinologist can help you and your partner if you are having trouble becoming impregnated. You can utilize other techniques such as in vitro fertilization if a reproductive endocrinologist is unable to help you conceive naturally. The Ericsson Technique was developed in the 1970’s and aims to separate son producing sperm and girl producing sperm. Once the sperm is segregated you will be inseminated with the sperm that will enable you to conceive the gender you desire. Since the X chromosomes are bigger and more absorptive than the Y chromosome sperms a method called Microsort uses dye to separate the two types and then inseminates you with the chosen sex just like the Ericsson technique. In vitro fertilization is a complex medical procedure that involves the fertilization of your eggs outside of your body and then can be tested for their gender. Normally you only release a single egg (how can we conceive a baby boy) to be fertilized each month but IVF starts you with fertility drugs so that you release multiple eggs. Once the eggs are released a doctor will remove them from your body with a needle and fertilize them with spermatozoa in a laboratory. Once the eggs have been fertilized after 3 to 5 days some cells are detached in order to confirm their gender. The final step is the doctor placing the embryos of your desired gender back into your uterus with a catheter and you carry the baby until delivery.

To have a male baby depends on the right timing of sexual contact. There is a system known as the Shettles’ method that is based on scientific evidence for gender selection. This approach is based on the idea that by timing sexual contact with the specific moment of ovulation you can sway the baby’s gender. Sperm carrying Y chromosomes apparently swim faster but do not survive as long as their X-carrying counterparts. Becoming pregnant with a male baby is slightly more likely if you have sex at the precise time of ovulation. By having intercourse a few days earlier than the specific time of ovulation the majority of the male sperm will die out. Once you know you are about to ovulate be sure to have intercourse at least 12-24 hours before ovulation. Avoiding sex or the man ejaculating during your pre-fertile phase will increase the man's spermatozoa count and increase your chance of having a boy. This low-tech method is noninvasive and it is very affordable to find an ovulation predictor kit or to check your basal body temperature daily. Proponents of the Shettles’ method claim the technique is 80% effective at becoming pregnant with a boy..