The luteal phase was coined after the corpus luteum and is the (i want to give birth to a baby boy) second half of a woman’s menstrual cycle. Once the Luteinizing Hormone has been delivered an ovule will be released and pushed down the fallopian tube awaiting fertilization and you will begin the luteal phase. The dominant follicle that has released an egg to be fertilized will be transformed into the corpus luteum. If the ovum is not fertilized the corpus luteum dies and uterus lining stops thickening and is consequently shed during menstruation. After implantation a human embryo produces human chorionic gonadotropin which preserves the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum lasts for about ten weeks after ovulation and after this time the placenta takes over progesterone production through the end of pregnancy. Between ten and sixteen days length is considered normal for the luteal phases. While luteal phase length will be fairly consistent from cycle to cycle for one woman it will vary significantly between different women. The luteal phase must be at least 10 or 12 days for the uterine lining to develop sufficiently for an embryo to implant. There are disorders that can affect the luteal phase but these can be fixed with progesterone supplements.
If your knowledge of conception is enriched you will be better (great site) able to enhance your fertility and your chances of having a son. It is important to know that there are several factors that can be modified for the couple to be able to produce male offspring. If a woman is infertile it may mean that she is unable to carry a pregnancy to full term. Treatment depends on the cause of infertility but may include fertility treatments. An at home conception kit could be used to help which includes cervical caps. By using this device you will allow all the available spermatozoa to be placed directly on the cervical area which escalates the likelihood of conception. When the reproductive structures of both the man and woman are fine but they still cannot get pregnant with a son a doctor can prescribe a course of ovarian stimulating medication. Intrauterine insemination is another method that a doctor can perform to help you conceive a boy. With these two methods fertilization of the ovum by male spermatozoa still occurs inside the body unlike the more difficult assisted reproductive technology techniques.
Genes composed of DNA and proteins that determine our inherited traits as well as gender are called chromosomes. Men and women have different combinations of chromosomes. The X chromosome of a female is termed as female sperm because women only possess the X chromosomes. Males have two distinct sex chromosomes XY ad are called the heterogametic sex. The new gamete will receive one of the mother’s X chromosomes during the process of fertilization. When the X chromosome of the woman and the Y chromosome of a man react a baby boy is made in the process. The Y chromosomes of males are fragile and weak in longevity. X chromosomes are slow movers in spite of being strong so the Y chromosomes of males can often swim faster. There are many (ovulation chart to conceive a son) methods of fertilization but the main idea is that the sperm of X or Y chromosome reaches the egg and combines. Some developmental disorders in either partner can change how the fertilization occurs.
The timing of intercourse seems to have an effect on whether or not you will conceive a male. There is a system known as the Shettles’ method that is based on scientific evidence for gender selection. According to this method you can affect the gender of your baby by timing when you ovulate and have sex correspondingly. Between the two chromosomes the male Y chromosome is a much quicker swimmer but the female Y chromosome lives longer. By having intercourse right at the time of ovulation the faster-swimming male spermatozoa will have an advantage. A female baby is more likely if you have sex too early and all the male Y chromosome sperms die out before the egg is released. A male sperm will most likely fertilize the egg if you have intercourse 12 hours before ovulation. If you have sex during your pre-ovulation phase make sure that you utilize a condom to lessen the risk of female spermatozoa having the upper hand and you becoming impregnated with a girl. This low-tech method is noninvasive and it is very affordable to find an ovulation predictor kit or to check your basal body temperature daily. Dr. Landrum Shettles claimed a 75% to 90% success rate for this at-home method.