There are different supplements that you can take in order to conceive a son. The male spermatozoa needs to get (best time to conceive a baby boy after periods) to the ovum as soon as possible because it survives for a shorter period of time than female sperm. By increasing the production of cervical mucus in your vaginal tract you can help male spermatozoa along and the likelihood of becoming pregnant with a son rises. One supplement that helps increase the quality of cervical mucus and help support male sperm survive is Evening Primrose Oil. When you begin taking this supplement use approximately 1500mg to 3000mg every day starting from the first day of your period through ovulation. Another helpful supplement for conceiving a male baby is known as Guaifenesin. Tablets are now available over the counter as an inexpensive alternative to buying the cough syrup that usually contains guaifenesin. When you take tablets of guaifenesin the cervical mucus thins and he spermatozoa can maneuver more easily towards the egg. You should start by taking 200mg three times a day during the 5 days before ovulation and on the day of ovulation. Do not use guaifenesin during the rest of your cycle because it is only important that your fertile mucus is thinner during the time of intercourse.
There are fertility monitoring kits (check out your url) available but they are not always necessary as you can track ovulation yourself. In order to see what days you will be ovulating you just need to make an ovulation calendar. You must know the first day of your last menstrual cycle and the average number of days between cycles as the fertile period begins six days after the first day of menstruation. By following the changes of consistency and color in your cervical mucus you can know when you are ovulating. Before ovulation the mucus in your cervical canal clear and slightly stretchy and will help guide spermatozoa to an egg for fertilization. Your baseline body temperature changes on the day of ovulation and can be tracked. Your body temperature will rise between 0.4 and 0.8 degrees when you are most fertile. You should take you temperature upon waking up while you are still lying on your bed. Take care as several factors can disrupt your menstruation and ovulation cycle such as stress and poor nutrition.
The second stage of your cycle is called the luteal phase which is named after the corpus luteum which is a structure that grows in the ovary. Once the Luteinizing Hormone has been delivered an ovule will be released and pushed down the fallopian tube awaiting fertilization and you will begin the luteal phase. The corpus luteum is what is left of the follicle after a woman ovulates. If the egg is not fertilized the corpus luteum dies and uterus lining stops thickening and is consequently shed during menstruation. Once the released ovum is fertilized by male spermatozoa the corpus luteum will begin receiving HCG from the embryo. If implantation occurs the corpus luteum will continue to produce for ten weeks after which the placenta takes over this function. The luteal phase of a woman’s cycle is consistently around 12-14 days long. The length of the luteal phase determines the time of ovulation within your menstrual cycle. If the luteal phase isn’t long enough for the endometrium to mature enough for an embryo to implant this can cause miscarriage. There are disorders that can affect the luteal phase but these can be fixed with progesterone supplements.
Sperm production and ejaculation of spermatozoa into the female reproductive tract during sex are the main functions of the male reproductive system. Mature spermatozoa will pass into the epididymis where they gain motility after 18 to 24 hours. After a penis becomes erect and filled with blood it will be ready to ejaculate. Mature spermatozoa leave the epididymis and journey through a muscular tube known (how to get a baby boy in first pregnancy naturally) as the vas deferens. After the vas deferens the sperm receives a fluid of fructose from the seminal vesicles in order to give them a source of energy that aids their movements. The liquid secretion from the seminal vesicles also provides the sperm with alkalines that give them a better chance of survival in the acidic setting of the vagina. This liquid mixture is propelled forward through the ejaculatory ducts toward the urethra after passing through the prostrate gland. The prostrate gland adds a milky prostatic fluid that forms the substance called semen. Ejaculation consists of semen leaving the urethra in a man’s penis and being deposited into a woman’s vagina. Only one to ten spermatozoa out of every 14 million sperm deposited naturally in to the vagina will reach the end of the fallopian tube.