There are many foods that must be avoided because they make your cervical mucus sticky (how to get a baby boy) and unfriendly to sperm. An increased intake of dairy products like cheese and yogurt that are acidic in nature will not encourage male embryo formation. Although most fruits are good for trying to make a son blueberries should be avoided. Meats such as bologna and sausage should not be consumed because they contain many damaging nitrates. You should also take care to avoid foods that can cause your body to change its estrogen levels. Consuming soy and other phytoestrogens can affect your ovulation and ovum production and should be avoided. Foods that contain high levels of sugar can also negatively skew your reproductive hormones. Examples of high sugar foods include candy and soda and artificial fruit drinks. Experts advise against drinking too much caffeine when you desire to conceive so instead opt for decaf. More harmful types of food are fish products that are known to contain high levels of mercury.
Chromosomes are long, stringy collections of genes that carry heredity information. Whether you are male of female (more info here) is dependent on the presence or absence of certain chromosomes. The X chromosome of a female is termed as female spermatozoa because women only possess the X chromosomes. Sperm cells in men have both X and Y chromosomes. During fertilization the mother will always give the cell or gamete one X chromosome. If a spermatozoa cell containing a Y chromosome fertilizes an ovum the resulting baby will be XY or male. The male sperms are more light and weak than the female sperms. Despite being short lived the Y chromosomes are quick and can swim faster to reach the female tract. There are many methods of fertilization but the main idea is that the sperm of X or Y chromosome reaches the egg and combines. There are some genetic disorders that disrupt the normal activity of the sex chromosome.
To achieve an adequate spermatozoa count and motility men should consider various things that can affect their count. Studies show that heavy drinking of alcohol decreases the mobility of the sperm. Smoking can also decrease sperm movement and cause sperm to be misshapen. Masturbation also decreases spermatozoa count so the man should avoid doing this before trying to conceive. Sperm can’t tolerate excessive (the best way to conceive a boy baby) heat and the testicles’ independent structure and considerable surface area keep them safe from the elevated core temperatures inside the body. Hot tubs and saunas should be avoided while trying to have a boy baby as well as tight fitting underwear. The best way to create healthy sperm is to have a healthful body so be sure that the man is eating well. Obesity negatively affects sperm quality and spermatozoa count so it vital that he exercises and maintains a healthy weight. If you need to use lubricant during sex opt for vegetable or safflower oil as other lubricants can harm sperm. If the man needs chemotherapy drugs or other medications ask your doctor if the sperm can be retrieved and stored before treatment as these drugs can affect fertility negatively.
By following these body pH tips you can make a male baby
The vaginal environment that male spermatozoa need to survive and thrive is one that is not acidic. It is possible for you to maintain a high pH level of your vagina to increase the chances of the male spermatozoa reaching the egg first. You can buy inexpensive pH test strips or a more accurate digital pH tester in local health food stores. Acidity and alkalinity are measured on a scale of 0 to 14 with 0 being the most acidic and 14 the most alkaline and the ideal for male spermatozoa is from 8.0 to 9.9. To test your pH you will need to reach into the vagina to touch the cervix and collect some mucus on your finger. After collecting the mucus use your tester kit to examine the level of your vaginal pH. By making a douche of baking soda you can change the acidity of your vagina to alkaline. Stir two tablespoons of baking soda into a liter of water and let stand for 10 minutes and then stir again to make sure the solution is fully dissolved. You can purchase a douche kit from most stores and use it to introduce the mixture into your vagina. Many practitioners do not recommend extensive douching while trying to conceive.